• members[at]ginicoe.com
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1.  SignUp                                                                  3.  Wait for Admission to Ginicoe Family by email. 

2.  Receive Your Social Justice Rating (SoJOR)       4.  Use your credit & debit cards everywhere-all                                                                                                                           the Time.                                                                                                                                                                                                                

·  We Are a Purpose Driven Company

Scarcity is the basis of value. We transmit consumers voluntarily submitted pre-authenticated facial images as a security tool to every point of interaction 24x7, where our overall legitimate business practice is (a)  to reduce income inequality due to direct or indirect restrictive covenant housing or neighborhood policies where the object is to build intergenerational wealth at gentrified real estate addresses such that this practice is necessary to the safe and efficient operation of our Company’s legitimate business practice of Social Justice Outerchange Rating (SoJOR) and (b) to prevent identity theft of all associated business transactions. This is our remarkable patented Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to you[1].


Ginicoe provides cashback rewards to you on the 20th of every month that may be redeemed from your Ginicoe Wallet™ and returned back onto your charge cards. The cashback rewards are based on (i) your Social Justice Outerchange Rating (SoJOR)™ range, (ii) how much you spend, and (iii) if you use your credit and debit cards at any one of our 5000+ approved points of interaction merchant locations.

·  What is the SoJOR scoring system?

SoJOR is your Social Justice Outerchange Rating. It is comprised of four components based on your (1) Housing location relative to your neighbor’s race; (2) your positive conversation scoring; (3) your gender; and finally your (4) income. The scoring range is best to worst 850 – 300.


·  What is the purpose of SoJOR?

To reduce the income inequality racial wealth gap between the Two Americas; one is affluent, privileged, and elite; when compared to the majority of us who live paycheck to paycheck.  Put another way, our aim is NOT the disproportionate happiness of any one group, class, or race, but the greatest happiness of the whole. When our Nation prioritizes the collective good on behalf of all consumers over individual interests or oligarchy interests, It is at that time that we are more likely to achieve justice meaning fairness, equality, and the proper distribution of benefits and burdens within our society. To summarize - Justice is the equal sharing of power, resources, and responsibilities. 


·  How does SoJOR achieve this purpose?

Given that all consumer’s primary residence (not commercial or investment properties) geographic location is tightly linked to building wealth – and given that all consumer’s geographic location is tightly linked to your home’s value that equates to good schools, roads, medical, supermarkets, equal police protection – in effect your neighborhood – it is, therefore, efficient to measure the disconnect between the Two Americas. Click here to learn more. https://ginicoe.com/service/How-to-fix-income-inequality

·  Is SoJOR scoring system voluntary for consumers?

It depends on whether the merchant uses it and if so, how. The SoJOR scoring system is a reliable and independent measure of consumers’ social justice risk level to fulfill their social justice obligations.

·  I Did Not SignUp – Why is my SoJOR score set at 300?

Your SoJOR score does not start at zero.  Having no SoJOR score is not the same as having a zero SoJOR score.  While the starting point of SoJOR is 300, starting this low is unlikely unless you have not signed up or if you remain out of bounds regarding the housing component and positive conversation component of your SoJOR.

·  What is meant by P52?   PLAHNET52 is an acronym for the below-protected groups:

Pacific Islander Americans      


African Americans          


Asian Indians        

Alaska Natives      

Alaska Native Corporations     

Hasidic Jews


Native Americans


Tribal entities   52 (There are 5A’s & 2H’s that comprise the acronym)

See 15 C.F.R. §1400 e.g. Muslims, Eskimos, Disabled, economically disadvantaged.


·  Why is the Housing Component so important?

The United States' identity is not rooted in religion (like Austria and Saudi Arabia), or ethnicity (like Korea and Japan). Our identity is rooted in ideals as spelled out in the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.  Put another way, politicians have us divided by race as seen in congressional gerrymandering. U.S. politicians are supposed to advocate for policies that help mankind and are rooted in ideals – not race.  We should not let them off the hook so easily. They have enjoyed a free ride for too long without doing their jobs.


By peacefully assembling at every financial transaction as Ginicoe members - we can course-correct our elected officials to help them to understand that living in racially segregated enclaves of clustered housing, communities, neighborhoods, and congressional districts, that different races find fewer opportunities to intermingle and to understand each other.


State and local politicians, civil servants, and community leaders develop narrow views of society's interests. As a result, the enclaves or clustered housing become the seedbeds for communal agitation leading to political violence.


·  Does Geo-segmented integrated housing dilute political power?

The impact of segregated housing on P52s political efficacy is theoretically ambiguous. On the one hand, increased contact among P52s in more segregated congressional districts may mean that P52s are better able to coordinate political behavior. On the other hand, lesser contact with European-Americans may mean that P52s have less political influence over voters of other races.


For example, imagine a state with 10 districts. P52s make up 10% of the state population. If all P52s are located in one district then that district will likely elect a P52 representative. Yet, on average P52s will not likely have their substantive interests met by this legislative delegation as P52s only directly influence (through the vote) one-tenth of their state’s representatives. The remaining 90% remains in control of European-Americans.  To learn more on this subject, check it out here:



By Elizabeth Oltmans Ananat & Ebonya L. Washington

Working Paper 13606


1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138 - November 2007

Click here to learn more. http://www.nber.org/papers/w13606


In effect, positive conversation ratings found on the Ginicoe Mobile App used between both P52s and European-Americans influence each other leading to (a) requiring their congressional representative to service their districts based on policy and not race. This results in a just State where the State is rightfully larger and of more importance than the individual congressperson.


·  How can we be sure that full housing integration can work?

Singapore’s Ethnic Integration Policy (EIP) was adopted in 16 February 1989 and it serves as a blueprint of

what we as Americans can achieve.  Singapore’s EIP works by setting racial quotas on housing ownership

within each block and neighborhood to avoid concentrations of anyone ethnic group.  We differ it that

Singapore’s EIP is government enforced and Ginicoe is wholly owned by private sector shareholders as

implemented by it consumer and business members.  

Additionally, we see successfully racially integrated institutions in our U.S. Armed Forces, All

High Schools-Colleges, and Professional Sports venues, The Labor Force, Shopping, University

Dorms, Restaurants, Transportation, Public parks, theaters, waiting rooms in bus and train

stations, as well as water fountains, restrooms, building entrances, elevators, cemeteries, even

amusement-park cashier windows.

In our journey to a more perfect union we can also be proud of our progress on racially

integrating public pools, public schools, phone booths, hospitals, asylums, jails and residential

homes for our elderly and handicapped Americans. Most states today no longer have separate

textbooks for Black and white students or a different Bible for white people to swear on.

Marriage and cohabitation between white and Black people occurs in all States. 

So why not housing today? 

·  Is this a segregation tax?

No. You are paying to secure your card transaction with your biometric once you complete the SignUp.

If you have not signed up yet, then the merchant may consider your transaction a high-security risk.

Put another way, it works like a geography-segmented fee like Uber zones, orchestra seats

versus the nose-bleed, out-of-state tuition versus in-state tuition, and similar.

·  Wanna close the deficit?

Citigroup estimates the U.S. economy lost $16 trillion over the past 20 years as a result of discrimination

against African Americans.

Racism Has An Economic Cost, Atlanta Fed President Warns

Specifically, the study came up with $16 trillion in lost GDP by noting four key racial gaps between African

Americans and whites:

$13 trillion lost in potential business revenue because of discriminatory lending to African American entrepreneurs, with an estimated 6.1 million jobs not generated as a result.

$2.7 trillion in income lost because of disparities in wages suffered by African Americans.

$218 billion lost over the past two decades because of discrimination in providing housing credit.

Citigroup urges a slew of actions to reverse discriminatory practices and boost GDP over the next five years,

including addressing the wage gap suffered by African Americans and promoting diversity at the top within

banks and companies.  Citigroup's recommendations aren't new: Various studies have shown similar findings,

and experts have called for similar action for years, though so far progress has been slow.

Ginicoe challenges Citigroup and others to donate their resources to our efforts.

·  Tell me more about the Two Americas

There is an overwhelming body of work on this topic throughout the cyber landscape. You might

examine Knocking on the Door: The Federal Government's Attempt to Desegregate the Suburbs     ISBN-13:

978-0-691-11934-2  Copyright 2006  by:  Christopher  J. Bonastia – Lehman College Professor.  Attention is

also drawn to Ingrid Gould Ellen who is recognized as a distinguished Scholar as a Paulette Goddard

Professor in the field of Urban Policy & Planning at NYU Furman Center.  She and many other professors,

economists, philanthropists, nonprofits, research centers, think tanks, and institutions who concentrate on

neighborhoods, housing, gerrymandering, redlining, poverty, crime, health disparities, DEI, ESG, rooted in

residential segregation also lend their collective body of knowledge and experiences.


We drill down beyond these professors with a focus on Congressional Districts, all 3,007 counties, 64

parishes, 19 organized boroughs, 11 census areas, 41 independent cities, and the District of Columbia for a

total of 3,143 counties and county-equivalents in the United States.


The 2020 census conducted by former President Trump informs us that there are 19,495 incorporated cities,

towns and villages in the United States. 14,768 of these have populations below 5,000. Only ten have

populations above 1 million and none are above 10 million. 310 cities are considered at least medium cities

with populations of 100,000 or more. We then drill down even further by zip codes, avenues, roads, streets,

and your address. Click here to learn more.






·        If you currently enjoy an 781 or higher Social Justice Outerchange Rating (SoJOR)™ or upon

your forward looking new relocation address; you may be eligible to receive a full point (1%)

reduction from your bank off of today’s 30yr fixed interest rate at the bank that has partnered with



·       The inverse of this may be true if your SoJOR is 600 or lower. Additionally, your residential appraisal may perform a downward value adjustment on FNMA 1004, related to income inequality anti-covenants.

Congress should prioritize any and all legislative support for the single-family home. Homeownership forms the backbone of the American Dream. The purchase of a home is the largest investment most Americans will make in their lifetimes, and homeownership remains the most accessible way to build generational wealth for millions of Americans. For these reasons, American homeowners and citizens know best what is in the interest of their neighborhoods and communities. Localities rather than the federal government must have the final say in zoning laws and regulations, and a conservative Administration should oppose any efforts to weaken single-family zoning. Along the same lines, Congress can propose tax credits for the renovation or repair of housing stock in rural areas so that more Americans are able to access the American Dream of homeownership.


Congress should also consider those areas where real estate investors and developers benefit from intrusive federal policies. For example… 

·  IRS tax subsidies that are not available to renters.

·  Mortgage loan guarantees

·  Grant disbursements

·  Housing finance stimulus

·  Economic stimulus

·  The shaping of housing policies and mortgage markets through HUD and FHFA


These Private individuals who own multiple properties for rental income comprise….

  • Banks and financial institutions
  • Chinese foreign ownership in both rental single-family and multifamily housing
  • Commercial real estate investors
  • Hedge funds
  • Insurance companies
  • Pension funds
  • Private equity firms
  • Real estate investment firms or companies
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Sovereign wealth funds
  • Syndicates and investment groups
  • Venture capitalists


Collectively these groups negatively interact with private market SoJOR™ that impede homeownership. Collectively these groups are inaccurate and have distorted many trends and indices such as

·       Appraisal performance index from Reggora

·       FHFA Home buyer index

·       Geographical Index (GI)

·       Home Data Index (HDI)

·       Light box appraisal index

·       Residential RE index (RREI)

·       Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD)


This includes when federal policies crowd out private-sector sharing of power, resources, and responsibility exacerbating affordability against P52s that persist across the nation leading to these distorted metrics. Eliminating government intrusion will lead to greater competition and choice. By advancing the private sector SoJOR™, Congress will move our nation from circumstantial excuses of homelessness to behavioral self-sufficiency solutions that build home ownership.


Ginicoe relocation advisors support shorter-duration mortgages. This results in faster equity accumulation and wealth-building opportunities.


To learn more about these and other systems, click here.


·  I’m having a hard time selling my home.


The side effect of this Roadway-to-the-Driveway Action Plan is that over time when people want to sell, if you are a P52 and you have reached the maximum number of P52 potential buyers, it may be best to sell to another person self-identified as a P52. The same holds for European Americans. This will inevitably improve both parties' SoJOR. However, buyers and sellers may transact with whomever they choose. 


Because P52s by definition represent a smaller demand pool, you might take longer to sell, or there might be pressure on the price.


·       Ginicoe exercises flexibility for this type of transaction on a case-by-case basis by giving households more time to sell, waiving SoJOR ratings in exceptional cases, or facilitating buying back their homes directly for those who genuinely find it difficult to sell their homes.


·       So our approach keeps the United States cohesive – we exercise flexibility in a targeted way, to deal with the effects directly, for the small number who may be affected.


·       We will also be introducing The Maintenance of Racial Harmony Act following the footsteps of Dr. MLK jr once we meet our donation goal and begin to see progress on reducing income inequality via the SoJOR.


·  If you look at our current challenges, we are still a work in progress. No society can claim that it is free from racism, and I think if you claim that, you wouldn't be telling the truth.


·   The reality is that we don’t paper over our differences. We don't adopt what some government officials call a race-blind approach. We don’t think we should ignore race – that will not solve our problems. So we take a race-sensitive approach.


·       And while the government has bungled race-related issues, to ensure that P52s are not disadvantaged we ask that all Americans join us in forming a more perfect Union.



Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent's permission to allow Elon Musk to pilfer plain text sensitive personal and financial data of millions of Americans such as Social Security and bank account numbers, payment information regarding American's tax refunds, Social Security benefits, veterans’ benefits, payments for health care, Protected Health Information (PHI), child care and other essential programs that electronically transmit trillions of dollars every year to each and every one of us has now been compromised by Mr. Musk and his team who have also circumvented any notion of a background check or basic security check. As such, 330+ Million Americans' data is now uncontained.

Mr. Musk may have violated HIPPA regulations, The HITECH Act, Violations at the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), Violations of Section 404 reviews, Fair Information Practice Principals (FIPPS), 5 U.S.C. Section 552a -The Privacy Act of 1974,  A SORN Notice be published into the Congressional Record regarding the System of Records (SOR) breached, OMB - M - 7 - 168. NIST SP 800-122, and many more beyond the scope of the blog.

As experts on data protection, our patents can protect you, the consumer, from bad outcomes surrounding this data breach. Sign Up Today and begin protecting yourself and your family. Promo Codes for neighbors and friends will be here soon. 


·       Your social security number, credit and debit card number, address, date of birth, and similar private information can NOT be used by bad actors at merchants, banks, government agencies, health care facilities, and educational institutions that partner with us for FREE once you Sign Up and become a Social Justice Warrior with us.


·       Start monitoring your data out on the dark web by clicking here.              We fix this for you.




·       More unequal societies tend to be more violent. Therefore, by joining and actively using our service and products, you are moving our Nation to a more peaceful perfect union.


·       Income gap and Risk:  Income inequality can have negative effects on society, including Increased rates of crime, Impediments of productivity and economic growth, gambling, drugs, health problems including higher rates of violence, and police abuse, shorter life expectancies, and Impaired functioning of representative democracy known as gerrymandering.


·  What is meant by Risk?

Living in separate enclaves, communities, or neighborhoods, the different races find fewer opportunities to intermingle and understand each other. State and local politicians, civil servants, and community leaders develop narrow views of society's interests. As a result, the enclaves or clustered housing become the seedbeds for communal agitation leading to political violence. 

SignUp Today

[1] Additional Patents may be pending in the U.S. and other Countries.