• members[at]ginicoe.com
  • 347 464 9144




Identity Verification in your digital and non-digital channels

To Reduce Procurement Fraud

To Provide Identity Access Management

To Prevent Benefits Fraud

To Prevent Deed Fraud

To Reduce Domestic Terrorism – Social Justice & Municipal Bonds

To Reduce Racial Imbalance

To Reduce the Race Wealth Income-Gap

To Eliminate Racially Segregated Housing

 Every Where - All the Time


Procurement Fraud

     Government fraud occurs in over 430 agencies across all three branches of government that include the executive, legislative, and judicial.  Fraud occurs from The African Development Foundation to The White House. Fraud occurs from A to Z.  Fraud also occurs at all agencies across all four levels of government that include federal, state, municipal, and tribal. Thus, the multiplier effect for the government’s threat surface is 4 to the 3rd power or 64 multiplied by the approximate number of agencies of 430 equals 27,520 threat vectors * the number of employees which is confidential.


Procurement fraud is the second largest economic crime in government, trailing only theft.  This may only increase with the Trump administration's firing of Inspector Generals (IG).  Procurement Fraud  Defined, and not limited to, fail to deliver goods and services, overcharging government, pet peeve or pork projects to gain favor to re-elect politicians, quid pro quo arrangements, breach of contracts, cost overruns, military and prison industrial complex, and kickbacks. Our subscription solution prevents these events from occurring.  




    As a Government Official with the authority and responsibility for acquiring goods and services for your government agency and/or department, you necessarily need to ensure that the government gets the best value for its money. If you are just starting out to protect yourself from fraud or if you are researching how you can plug up the holes in your existing administrative layers – Ginicoe can help.


How it Works

       Our Biometric Facial Recognition (BFR) software suite works as a multi-layered gatekeeper with our patented advanced Identity verification, identity authentication, and fraud transaction risk assessment directly sent to your employee’s desktop.   


     Ginicoe provides facial recognition with all purchase requisitions, approved authorized individuals, invoices, pre-authorized purchase orders conducted with credit cards. By connecting each step of your procurement pipeline with each individual’s biometric face we automate and give you complete visibility into your procurement process. We reduce your procurement fraud. We improve your internal auditing tracking and monitoring with segregated duties at each step. We improve best business practices in procurement and controls with facial recognition tied to each transaction and point of interaction. Prevention is better than the cure.




The cost of government fraud affects all citizens, insurance companies, and customers


Benefits Fraud

Identity verification / authentication is important for “letting your customers in” with the least amount of friction and risk. Transaction –related fraud is about keeping the “bad guys out”. Ginicoe’s patented layered approach solves this for you.


Deed Fraud

Your County Recorder’s Office is in dire need of our patented facial recognition solution. We electronically transmit the pre-authenticated Homeowner’s facial image to the desktop. This prevents (not reacts) bad guys from maliciously recording the real homeowner’s deed into the bad guys name. See Tampa Deed Fraud here. (note:  Permit the liver commercial to end on its own first. Then the video will play.)




Domestic Terrorism & Political Risk -  The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations defines terrorism as "the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives" (28 C.F.R. Section 0.85)


The racist events in Charlottesville, Virginia led to mob violence, riots, property damage, and the fatal death of Ms. Heather Heyer. Why?  Perhaps because the organizers sought not to share Power, Resources, and Responsibilities (PRR) with members of the protected group PLAHNET 52.[1] Domestic or International terrorist either want more PRR or do not want to share PRR. Either case leads to political and social risk culminating in terroristic acts.  

To reduce domestic terrorist acts and violence the solution is to reduce the racial wealth income gap so everyone feels included.


How Ginicoe Closes the Race Wealth Income-Gap

      What would your best self do?  All real estate is local. Munis are underwritten by the local bank.  We believe that municipal bond ratings by Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organizations (NRSRO) better captures the true social/political risk that the mortgage banks endure. A local government's ability and willingness to make fiscal adjustments and its legal and political relationships with higher levels of government can be more important to its ability to meet debt service than its economic trends or financial position.


      Nothing prohibits a nationally recognized statistical rating organization (NSRO) such as Moody's, S&P, Fitch, and others from using additional credit factors that are documented and disclosed by the organization and that have a demonstrated impact on the risk an investor in a security or money market instrument is exposed too.


     Examples of additional credit factors aka political/social risk are not limited to  political or social risk or civil unrest or political gridlock or instability or management turnover or perhaps as evidenced in a movement accompanied by action specifically intended to overthrow the constituted government, in riots, fires, Black Lives Matter demonstrations, revolution, government insurrection property damage, hate crime, civil rights, war, terroristic act of violence, union and labor contract disputes, Occupy Wall Street, Klu Klux Klan Rally, collapse in tourism due to civil unrest, ethnic tension, productivity, peasant revolt, economic downturn, investor confidence, road rage, default rate, civil wars, blockades of medical, food, or political expression by way of land, water, air, or technology; loss of life, trade barriers, regressive taxes, political elections that may change the ruling class, of which the underlying grounds is often the unfinished business of racism or the concentration of power, resources, and responsibility (PRR), demonstrations, picketing, property damage, consent decree, high insurance claims, debt to civil disobedience, expense to hire more police and equipment, and similar acts of civil-disobedience triggering insurance claims where all claim data is considered as “other sources” pursuant to NSRO Title II and any and all other quantifiable metrics grounded in the concentration of power, resources, and responsibility. 



The Ginicoe Municipal Bond Point System



As a Municipal Issuer you should include the following negative covenant in the indenture:  Issuer agrees that Mob violence or conspiratorial violence (emphasis supplied on ‘violence’ and not necessarily on ‘mob’) incited by a municipality, public official, individual, or business in their official or individual capacity that upsets the population balance between P52 and European-Americans (EA) either expressly or indirectly or causally thereby affecting P52 segregated housing issues, P52 integrated housing issues, gentrification issues, or some facsimile thereof involving P52 e.g. labor, education, voting, Commercial Ownership etc.  where the municipality, public official, individual, or business, in their official or individual capacity, had knowledge or contributory negligence that the violence was in progress shall be responsible to invoke the Ginicoe Bond Risk Rating Point positive covenants as spelled out below.



Contributory negligent means if a person was injured or killed or if a property damage or wrongful death insurance claim is triggered for damages or if a civil suit or criminal action is filed in part due to the municipality, public official, individual, or business' acts of violence in their official or individual capacity's own negligence.



Municipal issuer further agrees that once above negative covenants occur in part or in whole that FI creditor underwriter will impose the following positive covenants:

·       First  violation downgrade to Upper Medium grade for 6 months.

·       Second violation within 2 years downgrade to investment grade for 12 months.

·       Third  violation within 2 years downgrade to speculative grade for 18 months.

·       Fourth violation within 2 years downgrade to junk for 2 years.


Violators are provided a grace period to remedy the violation. E.g. Voluntarily consent decree, confirmed commitment to racially integrating housing, labor, education, or voting or some facsimile thereof.  If not corrected, creditors are entitled to announce default and demand immediate repayment of principal and any accrued interest. 


In applying the Ginicoe Bond Point System to Muni’s at the local level described as the Political Subdivision defined as city, county, town, township, parish, village, congressional districts, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State and any school, utility, fire, or tax district, or other special purpose political subdivision of a State or entire MSA or community reinvestment assessment area (CRA); we believe, better captures the true risk for the issuer and investor alike.


     It is local risks, not geopolitical risk, or the Trump Administration impending government shutdown, that affects local banks, insurance companies, and investor’s risk level at the local level. It is local risks that affect government obligations (GO Bonds) and revenue bonds ratings, repayment schedules, the local economy, unemployment factors, income, wealth, defaults, tax burden, and yes income inequality and the concentration of PRR.


By objectively applying the Ginicoe Bond Point System to municipal bond ratings at the political subdivision level, we can more efficiently measure and reduce political and social risk for the financial services sector and make it easier for government issuer's to reduce risk, default, wrongful death actions, domestic terrorism, police brutality, or be forced to raise property taxes to meet debt obligations and/or associated other government budgetary expenses. Can you say AFFH?



     To continue to enjoy appreciated value in home ownership, policy makers may be compelled to stop police abuse and executions of Black Men and Black Woman, calm local residents, reduce violence and maintain order, reduce hate crimes and hate demonstrations, and riots that lead to domestic terrorism. This will result in a AAA bond grade to cost effectively sell GO Bonds for policy maker’s projects combined with a decrease in local business insurance premiums due to lower risk of property damage – where the simple solution is integrated housing that is demonstrable in the sharing of PRR. We see a composite of this successful model of integrated housing in Singapore’s success as an ethnically diverse and inclusive society.


     The most direct way for Ginicoe to achieve its mission to reduce the income inequality gap is to assist our members with our SoJOR Pricing Plan, and in particular members of the protected group PLAHNET52, to build wealth through home ownership. We do this by reducing fear and fraud and integrating housing block by block and house by house and apartment by apartment and room by room. What would your best self do?





Close the Income Gap

     Racially Segregated housing has negative financial consequence for the protected group of PLAHNET52 in the form of reduced home appreciation that starts with the National Association of Real Estate Appraisers. This is the biggest price of housing segregation. This is essentially a segregation tax.


What would your best self do?  By racially integrating housing block by block, house by house, apartment by apartment – we reduce the income inequality gap and by extension eliminate violence attributed to domestic terrorism.


Home ownership and equity with appreciated values is the typical American family’s most important financial asset, and an important vehicle for transmitting wealth from generation to generation. It is the most direct way to close the income inequality gap. 


      The sharing of power, resources, and responsibility (PRR) is what will close the income inequality gap. e.g. rulemaking (power), land and wealth (resources), and trustworthiness (responsibility) equates to the Sharing PRR that is at the root of terrorism and political violence.


What Ginicoe Can Do

     Our facial recognition product(s) focus on the “resources” (land and wealth) component of sharing PRR. It is you in Government that must focus on the 'Power' and 'Responsibility' component of sharing PRR.   Fear and fraud is what empowers us. Our members Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and facial image data are treated with the highest of integrity and trustworthiness to reduce fear and fraud. Our encryption standards comply and some instances exceed Military grade encryption protocols. 


     Income inequality between the haves and the have-nots is measured by the mathematical model known as the gini-coefficient. This is where Ginicoe derives its name and mission. It measures the gap of income inequality by Country. We expand that model where our metrics and measurement  include Political Subdivision described as city, county, town, township, parish, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State and any school, utility, fire, or tax district, or other special purpose political subdivision of a State. We acknowledge that there is strong correlation between racial fairness at one’s place of employment and a short commute to get there from their home. Thus racially integrated housing necessarily needs to be within spatial proximity of racially fair and balanced work to close the racial wealth-income gap.





     California resident Daniel Ramirez was a victim of identity theft. Ramirez tried to file his tax return online in April 2012, the system refused to accept it. The person who had stolen his identity filed the taxes before him and they were claiming a refund of about $10,000.  Dealing with the IRS, having to close fraud credit card accounts, cleaning all that mess up was very stressful, said Ramirez.



     Los Angeles post Rodney King riot of April 30, 1992 whereas the verdict acquitting all 4 police officers where City’s Bond Rating is Downgraded due in part to the burden of mounting debt of hiring more police. Whereas Moody’s said the push to add more police will “exert pressure” on the budget and is a “peripheral” factor in the downgrade. If the City is forced to pay an additional quarter-point in interest [due to the downgrade], that could mean an additional $446,000 in interest expense per year over the up-to-20-year life of the bonds.  Albeit, without any local political support for tax increases.


Reprinted compliments of the LA times found here:




Bershauna Moore revealed that the will signed by her aunt, Mary Ball, left Moore a house on Shadowlawn Street in the Tampa Bay area. Ball passed away in 2018 and Moore and her son moved in.  Moore said everything was fine until the house started deteriorating and she wanted to sell it. That’s when she learned of a deed from 2018 saying Ball signed the house over to a company for $10.  The signatures from the will and on the deed do not match.

Moore said they wish there was a more efficient process to verify property documents. See deed fraud here


 1] For a complete description of the protected group defined as PLAHNET52, please clink the link or see our SoJOR and Enterprise Pricing Page.