• members[at]ginicoe.com
  • 347 464 9144

Financial Institution

Financial Institution

Business Value to Financial Institutions

·    Reduce Application fraud at the new accounts desk.

·    Internal controls to avoid opening fraudulent accounts.

·    Reduce synthetic id fraud.

·    Reduce AML fraud.

·    Reduce Account Takeover (ATO) fraud.

·    Reduce credit/debit card fraud.

·    Improves Know Your Customer (KYC) & Customer Due Diligence (CDD)

·    Reduce your bad debt allowances due to fraud.

·    Form deeper customer relationships.

·    Regulator favorability rating due to proactive fraud prevention.

·    Fast ROI (compared to fraud costs).

·    Increase your revenue from P52 transactions.

·    Decrease your revenue from non-members of a discrete minority.

·    Do the needful to reduce income inequality.

·    Do the needful to integrate housing.

·    Do the needful to reduce income segregation.

·    Provides data for a ‘Special Purpose Credit Program’.

·    Lower management costs.

·    Lower maintenance costs.

·    Delivery of service very quickly.


Technical Value to Financial Institutions

ü     Automate manual tasks of authenticating your customer’s credit/debit card transactions.

ü     Increase visibility of attempted fraudulent card transactions.

ü     Easy API integration into legacy or state of the art systems and infrastructures.

ü     Reduces false positives.

ü     Real-time alert capabilities.

ü     Increase the visibility of state-of-the-art fraud prevention as a deterrent to bad actors.

ü     Friendly and easy-to-use dashboard.

ü     Able to set up without professional services.



Mob violence or conspiratorial violence incited by a municipality, public official, individual, or business in their official or individual capacity that upsets the population balance between P52 and European-Americans either expressly or indirectly or casually thereby affecting segregated housing issues, integrated housing issues, gentrification issues, or some facsimile e.g. labor, education, voting, etc. thereof where the municipality, public official, individual, or business, in their official or individual capacity, had knowledge or contributory negligence that the violence was in progress.

Contributory negligent means if a person was injured or killed or if a property damage or wrongful death insurance claim is triggered for damages or if a civil suit or criminal action is filed in part due to the munipality, public official, individual, or business' acts of violence in their official or individual capacity's own negligence.

Bond Risk Rating Point System for new issuances [NYS driver, state farm, and now Ginicoe has a point system]

First        violation downgrade to Upper Medium grade for 6 months. 

Second   violation within 2 years downgrade to investment grade for 12 months.

Third       violation within 2 years downgrade to speculative grade for 18 months.

Fourth     violation within 2 years downgrade to junk for 24 months.

Violators are provided a grace period to remedy the violation. If not corrected, creditors are entitled to announce default and demand immediate repayment of principal and any accrued interest.