• members[at]ginicoe.com
  • 347 464 9144

6_Ginicoe Trekker

6_Ginicoe Trekker

Trekker Volunteer SignUp

To get started, Complete the SignUp as a Consumer form. From there, you will be guided to confirm your interest in joining our Trekker Volunteer Team.




As a certified Ginicoe Trekker, you must have:

ü A smartphone.

ü Excellent data management skills to accurately enter data and verify discrepancies to help build comprehensive records.

ü Take every possible legal and ethical step to collect and report data about the non-respondent consumer(s).

ü Return to the housing unit multiple times and similar steps.

ü Hours are 9am – 9pm local time.



You should pay particular attention to:

•     Low-income consumers.

•     People who rent.

•     People who don’t have homes.

•     People who live in rural areas.

•     People who don’t speak or read English.




o  You will take an Oath to protect the data.

o  You must pass an independent background check.

o  Trekker needs to be verified before your start date. e.g. organization, school, researcher, etc.


Civil Rights Worker                                           Non-Violence Advocate

Demographer                                                   Other

ESG Guru                                                        Quantitative Analyst

Front-Line Responder                                      Research Group

Government Agency                                        Researcher

Human Rights Worker                                     Social Justice Warrior

Mathematician                                                 Social Worker

Non-Profit                                                        University


Once you are approved, you will be issued an ID Badge complete with your:


•     Name                                       Ginicoe Logo

•     Photograph                              Watermark


Rewards to our volunteers are house, cash, recognition, and intangible perks.




To get started, Complete the SignUp as a Consumer form. From there, you will be guided to confirm your interest in joining our Trekker Volunteer Team.


To learn more, download the Ginicoe app from the Google Play Store or Apple iTunes Store.




You are no longer accepting the things you cannot change. 

You are changing the things you cannot accept.

                                                                       Angela Davis